Wednesday, September 24, 2008

250 Words about the Silkeborg- Jorn Utzon.

-Built underground to avoid disruption to the environment around
-3 storeys down, one above ground
-Gives the effect of a cave or oven
-Curved shapes highlight the rectangular canvases
-Curves act as sculptures themselves which comment on the use of scale. Art containing art.
-Lighting is controlled through chimney's and blinds
-Ramps are supposed to allow viewer to glide through space without disrupting

The unbuilt Silkeborg museum was proposed to nestle into the environment it was to the built. Its presence in its geographical context was intended not to disturb the nature around, to overcome this, three floors of the museum where designed underground. Personally, I love the idea of an underground space. Utzon bravery in exploring this uncommon area is great and his supporting reasons back up his need for an underground gallery. My favourite dimension to this building is the idea of contrasting geometry such as the curves of the chimney-like roofs and the cubic interior along with entwining ramps. Also, being an open underground space, allusions to caves and catacombs appear which add interest and surprise to the viewer.

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